node-red is a great visual tool for wiring workflows. There are tons of nodes that you can install to make it do all kinds of things.

Installation for testing purposes is also easy:

  1. node-red is based on node.js. Therefore install node.js if you haven’t already. Currently, you should use version 4.x for node-red to work properly. Installing node.js also installs its npm package manager.
  2. Run sudo npm install -g node-red
  3. Start node-red it by running node-red. Now you can access the interface at http://localhost:1880/.

Done. Right? Well, read on if you want to properly set it up beyond testing purposes. First of all, you may want to set up an admin password, as there is no security whatsoever by default.

Setting up HTTPS

When you start node-red for the first time, it creates a default configuration file for you, ~/.node-red/settings.js. In there, you will find settings to enable HTTPS by itself - ignore those. By using the built-in mechanism for HTTPS, you have to choose between running node-red as root (so that it can read your certificate and private key) or making the private key readable for non-root users. We want to do neither.

We will solve this problem by setting up nginx as a proxy that will handle HTTPS for us. It will forward all requests to node-red, which will run on a non-privileged port using HTTP, that is only locally reachable.

  1. Get a SSL/TLS certificate. If you don’t have one, you can get one using Let’s Encrypt. For the sake of the example, we’ll assume you have a Let’s encrypt certificate from here on.
  2. Configure node-red to only accept requests from localhost. Edit ~/.node-red/settings.js and enable the option uiHost: "".
  3. Install nginx if you haven’t already, and add a server block, for example in the default site file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default. Replace with your host name.
server {
  listen 443 ssl;
  ssl on;
  ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/;
  ssl_verify_depth 3;
  ssl_protocols TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;

  location / {
    proxy_pass http://localhost:1880;
    proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

    proxy_http_version 1.1;
    proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
    proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

(Re-)start node-red and nginx (e.g., service nginx start).

Let’s quickly explain what that all means. In lines 2-3 we instruct nginx to open the HTTPS port. Lines 4-5 configure the certificate. Lines 6-8 instruct nginx to only use the modern protocols and cypher suites, see Mozilla’s Security/Server Side TLS page for more information. In short, we value security higher than compatibility with older clients. Lines 10-17 set up the proxy that will forward the traffic to node-red. Lines 14-16 enable WebSocket upgrade requests. Without theses three lines, node-red will work for a few seconds and then display an error message like Lost connection to server.

Note that we have not configured forwarding or rewriting from HTTP to HTTPS, i.e., you now need to explicitly open

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